The organizers of the 9th edition of the fair met virtually this morning to outline the actions that contribute to opening new marketing channels for wineries
Ourense Vinis Terrae, Galician Quality Wine and Spirits Fair will celebrate its 9th edition on June 14 and 15, 2021 and will convert it into a hybrid event between face-to-face and virtual to adapt to the new context caused by the global pandemic. The objective of this change in format is to help diversify the sales channels of the wineries’ marketing, guaranteeing the possible presence of national or international importers who will hold business appointments with the Galician wineries directly at the Expourense site or from Virtual way through the digital platform that the organization will make available to exhibitors. This hybrid format for business meetings has already been successfully tested in professional action previously organized by Expourense, such as the Health and Wellness Tourism Workshop held last November.
In this new edition, Ourense Vinis Terrae will continue to be positioned as a 100% professional, Galician and quality event, since only wineries attached to the different Denominations of Origin or Protected Geographical Indications of Galician wines and spirits will be able to participate as exhibitors. In this event, the promotion of the product will also go hand in hand with the promotion of the territory. The new format and the objectives of this room were decided this morning in the first virtual meeting of the advisory committee of Ourense Vinis Terrae 2021. Led by the deputy director of Expourense, Emma González, participated in this meeting: the territorial delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Ourense, Gabriel Alén; the vice president of the Provincial Council of Ourense, Rosendo Fernández; the head of the AGACAL Agrifood Quality Promotion service, María José González; the president of the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin, Ribeiro, Juan Manuel casares; the president of CRDO Monterrei, Lara de la Silva; the president of CRDO Valdeorras, José Luis García Pando; the general secretary of CRDO Rías Baixas, Ramón Huidobro; the representative of the CRDO Ribeira Sacra, Marta Villén; and the secretary of the CRIIGG og Galician Liqueurs ands Spirits, Carmen Otero.
At this meeting, the potential markets of interest for Galician wine were selected, from which the importers who will participate in the next edition of Ourense Vinis Terrae will be selected.
Expourense will once again become a business center that will facilitate direct contact between wineries and producers of liquor and brandy of the different Galician denominations, through appointments with national buyers and importers from different countries of the world, so that this In this way, the show becomes a forum for commercial and business exchange.
Ourense Vinis Terrae, Salón do Viño e Licores Galegos de Calidade celebrará a súa 9ª edición os días 14 e 15 de xuño de 2021 e farao reconvertido a evento híbrido entre presncial e virtual para adaptarse ao novo contexto provocado pola pandemia mundial. O obxectivo deste cambio de formato é contribuir a diversificar as canles de venda das comercialización das adegas garantindo a presenza posible de importadores nacionais ou internacionais que manterán citas de negocio coas adegas galegas de xeito directo no recinto de Expourense ou ben de xeito virtual a través da plataforma dixital que a organización poñerá a disposición dos expositores. Este formato híbrido para as reunións de negocio xa foi probado con éxito en acción profesionais organizadas con anterioridade por Expourense como foi o caso do Workshop de Turismo de Saúde e Benestar celebrado o pasado mes de novembro.Nesta nova edición, Ourense Vinis Terrae seguirá posicionado como un evento 100% profesional, galego e de calidade, xa que só poderán participar como expositores adegas adscritas ás distintas Denominacións de Orixe ou Indicacións Xeográficas Protexidas de viños e licores de Galicia. Neste evento ademais a promoción do produto irá parella á promoción do territorio. O novo formato e os obxectivos deste salón foi decidido esta mañá na primeira reunión virtual do comité asesor de Ourense Vinis Terrae 2021. Dirixida pola directora adxunta de Expourense, Emma González, participaron nesta reunión: o delegado territorial da Xunta de Galicia en Ourense, Gabriel Alén; o vicepresidente da Deputación Provincial de Ourense, Rosendo Fernández; a xefa do servizo de Promoción da Calidade Agroalimentaria AGACAL, María José González; o presidente do Consello Regulador da Denominación de Orixe, Ribeiro, Juan Manuel casares; a presidenta de CRDO Monterrei, Lara da Silva; o presidente de CRDO Valdeorras, José Luis García Pando; o secretaria xeral de CRDO Rías Baixas, Ramón Huidobro; a representante do CRDO Ribeira Sacra, Marta Villén; e a secretaria do CRIIGG de Licores e Augardentes de Galicia, Carmen Otero.
Nesta reunión foron seleccionados os potenciais mercados de interese para o viño galego dentro dos cales se seleccionarán aos importadores que participarán na vindeira edición de Ourense Vinis Terrae.
Expourense converterase de novo nun centro de negocios que facilitará o contacto directo entre as adegas e produtores de licor e augardente das distintas denominacións galegas, a través de citas con compradores nacionais e importadores procedentes de distintos países do Mundo, para que deste xeito o salón se transforme nun foro de intercambio comercial e empresarial.