Joaquín Reboredo, cofirmed winery

Joaquin Rebolledo, attached to the A.O. Valdeorras, has shown one more year its loyalty to this 100% Galician, 100% professional and 100% quality appointment.

The Joaquín Rebolledo winery is located in Valdeorras, a northeastern region of the province of Ourense. This natural gateway to Galicia is shaped by a deep, fertile and bright valley, through which the peaceful river Sil flows. The Rebolledo family was a pioneer more than 40 years ago in the recovery of godello, the grape that today gives Valdeorras the most fame.

The family house of Joaquín Rebolledo has more than 4 generations, from it the vineyards of Fontei, Freixido, Trasdeirelas, Pedrazais, A Veiquiña, O Redondo and San Roque are contemplated. From the viewpoints of the vineyards, 700 m. altitude, the Sil riverbed with all its vineyards is contemplated in an area where the thermal differences between day and night can exceed 20 degrees.

Its wines are:

🍷Joaquín Rebolledo Godello

🍷Joaquín Rebolledo Trasdairelas

🍷Joaquín Rebolledo Mencía

🍷Joaquín Rebolledo Mencía Barrica

They also produce and distribute their line of spirits and spirits.